It has always been important to keep public settings where a lot of people from all walks of life are found clean and hygienic. However, since the Covid-19 outbreak this has been even more crucial, not just from a general cleanliness point of view, but to help stop the spread and transmission of the coronavirus.
The main transmission mode from one human to another of Covid-19 is direct content with a person infected by the disease and respiratory droplets, either expelled from their body via breathing, speaking, sneezing or coughing.
It’s important to note it’s not just through inhalation they can make their way inside your body, but also by landing on various surfaces like chairs, switches, door handles and anything used regularly. A secondary, but equally noteworthy form of transmission is having direct contact with surfaces contaminated by the disease and then touching the nose, mouth or eyes.
Clean and Then Disinfect
When cleaning and disinfecting public areas, you need to make sure you use disinfectants with a DIN or Drug Identification Number. This 8-digit number provided by Health Canada shows is has been officially authorized for use.
It’s recommended you start by cleaning the area before you disinfect it because there could be dirt and other debris that can impede the effectiveness of your disinfectants.

Prioritize the Surfaces Touched and Used Most
Given how serious the risks are and how easy it is for COVID-19 to spread, it’s important to complement your standard cleaning with focused cleaning and sanitizing of the most frequently used surfaces, be sure to clean and disinfect them twice a day, at the very least. This includes surfaces such as keypads, touchscreen monitors and devices, handrails, countertops, faucets, toilet seats and handles, light switches, elevator buttons and doorknobs to name a few.
If you want to ensure you inactivate infectious diseases like COVID-19, you need to use high-level solutions, like hospital-grade disinfectants. The effectiveness of disinfectants can depend on contact time and formula concentration. Always make sure you follow the directions for use. Even if you have used disinfectants, you should still be cautious when using a product, you’re unfamiliar as all brands and solutions have instructions unique to them.
Variety of Cleaning and Disinfecting Products
When you’re carrying out public space cleaning, the type of cleaning products and disinfectants you need will depend on factors like the kind of surfaces you’re cleaning and what they are used for and how frequently they are used. Although most popular cleaners and disinfectants are suitable, look for those that contain ingredients like Peroxyacetic Acid, Benzalkonium Chloride (an important ingredient in Lysol solutions), Sodium Hypochlorite (bleach), alcohol (either isopropyl or ethanol) and Hydrogen Peroxide.
It’s likely if you had a robust and effective cleaning and sanitation routine in place or at least used both high-quality cleaners and disinfectants, you won’t need to invest in new products and formulas. The more important issue in the fight to keep public areas clean, hygienic and, crucially, COVID-19-free is adapting more regular and vigorous cleaning practices.
Other Important Considerations and Precautions
In addition to the above, there are also several additional considerations and precautions you need to bear in mind.

A buzzword that you will have undoubtedly come across frequently in the press and perhaps even in your place of work is PPE. PPE must be always worn during the cleaning process. This not only serves as a preventative measure to slow and stop the spread of the disease but also ensures you’re always safe when handling strong cleaners and disinfectants.
Avoid Dusting and Sweeping
You should adopt damp cleaning methods, either using clean, wet cloths or mops, depending on the surface. Dusting and sweeping can spread viral droplets.
Stress and anxiety go together when it comes to cleaning public areas considering the current health crisis. However, if you keep the above in mind, you will be doing your best in your fight against Covid-19 and keeping your building clean and sanitized.